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Sim-ship with Visual Studio 2017

Announcing PHP Tools for Visual Studio 2017

Miloslav Beno Miloslav Beno
2 minutes

Unnecessary uses

Unnecessary use reporting in PHP Tools

Devsense Devsense
3 minutes

What's new in PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.20

PHP Tools with built-in PHP 7 and more

Miloslav Beno Miloslav Beno
6 minutes

PHP Tools with PHP 7 support

PHP Tools with built-in PHP 7 and more

Jakub Misek Jakub Misek
4 minutes

Spell Checking in PHP Code

Ensure that your source code, including strings and comments, is spelt correctly.

Miloslav Beno Miloslav Beno
2 minutes

PHP Tools and Microsoft DreamSpark after three months

PHP Tools available at Microsoft DreamSpark

Jakub Misek Jakub Misek
~1 minute