Introducing Composer for VS Code

Author by Jakub Misek
11 minutes
Introducing Composer for VS Code

We are adding a new extension to the Visual Studio Code Marketplace - Composer All-in-One. Composer "All-in-One" provides complete integration of composer and packagist into Visual Studio Code. The extension provides quick composer commands, IntelliSense for composer.json, code lenses, code actions, schema validation, browsing and searching packages, checking abandoned packages, running user scripts, and it extends VS Code with composer tasks.

Install Composer All-in-One

To run commands and tasks, you only need php installed. The composer itself is downloaded automatically.

Composer.json Editor & IntelliSense

The composer.json editor is extended with smart actions, code lenses, tooltips, and IntelliSense to autocomplete packages and versions from

Completion of Package Names

Code completion searches packages and lists their names with detailed information including downloads, favorites, abandoned information, and description. There are also quick links to the package home page, package source code, and packagist page.

composer completion

Completion of Package Versions

Available minor versions are fetched from packagist listed in code completion after the required package name:

complete package version


Installed package details are displayed in the tool-tips.

composer package tootip

Code Actions

Quickly update or remove package right from the editor, using the code actions:

composer code actions

Installed Version Inlay

Actual installed version is displayed conveniently next to the package required version:

installed package versions

Run-Script CodeLens

The "scripts" section of composer.json gets a small code-lens allowing to quickly run the corresponding script, right from the editor:

composer run-script codelens

Diagnostics & Abandoned Packages

The extension watches for installed packages and checks if any of them isn't abandoned. Abandoned packages are listed in VS Code's problems view, strikethrough, and the tooltip shows the corresponding abandoned message:

composer diagnostic for abandoned packages


Integrated commands work with the composer.json in the workspace root directory. If necessary, commands ask which workspace folder you're referring to. It allows quickly require, remove, or search for packages from, and more.

The following commands are usually executed as a VS Code task, using php executable as configured in the Settings, and composer.phar downloaded automatically when necessary (so it is not necessary to install it by yourself).

composer: install

Runs the install command.

composer: update

Runs the update command.

composer: require

The composer: require command shows quick-pick with online search, and installs the selected package. The search displayed all the important information including packages description, downloads, and favorites.

composer require

composer: require-dev

Requires a dev package; this works the same as composer: require but the packageis installed as a development dependency.

composer: remove

Removes installed package or more packages from the project. The command shows quick pick with multi-selection allowing to choose the packages to be removed:

composer remove

composer: create-project ...

Open an empty folder in VS Code, and create a new project from a composer package. The command shows quick-pick that searches online for available packages and invokes the create-project command for you:

composer create-project

composer: search ...

Search packages on Quickly browse through packages, read descriptions, open details on or require the package right from the quick pick menu.

composer search

composer: run-script ...

Quickly run your composer script from command palette:

composer run-script

composer: check-platform-reqs

composer: update the internal composer.phar

The extension automatically downloads the latest composer installation, and uses it for all the tasks and commands. Run composer: update the internal composer to manually re-download the latest snapshot.

composer: about

Shows the about information.

composer: archive ...

Runs the archive command, and asks for arguments.

composer: clear-cache

Clear the internal composer cache.

composer: fund

Shows your required packages funding options.

composer: licenses

Shows summary of your required packages licenses.

composer: outdated

Shows list of outdated packages.

composer: reinstall

Runs the reinstall command.


VS Code task that executes a composer command is a useful way of configuring and running composer. The composer.phar itself is automatically installed, and php executable is determined from Settings.


"tasks": [
        "label": "check",
        "type": "composer",
        "command": "check-platform-reqs",
        "args": []

Schema Validation

The extension provides schema validation for composer.json files, maintained by @composer. This helps with the following:

  • Correctness validation.
  • Tool-tips and code completion for composer.json JSON elements.


The extension automatically downloads composer.phar latest snapshot, and uses it. The location respects the Composer default installation path which can be changed by setting the COMPOSER_HOME environment variable.

Setting Description
php.executablePath The value is used to determine php executable path for running composer commands. If not set, "php" is used by default.

In case, there is PHP Tools extension installed, composer commands are executed using php set with PHP Version Picker.

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