I received an mail from one developer using our tools - Mr. Bert Degenhart Drenth from Netherland, which I wanted to share with the rest. It's a Christmas wish in the form of PHP console program :-)
To run it, create a new PHP console project.
Copy the following script: (I'm attaching it completely unaltered with the kind permission of the author :-))
function coloredBall(int $color) : string
return "\e[1;" . $color . "m O ";
function ball(int $i, int $j) : string
if (($i % rand(1,2) == 1) && ($j % rand(1,2) == 1))
return coloredBall(31);
if (($i % rand(1,2) == 1) && ($j % rand(1,2) == 1))
return coloredBall(34);
if (($i % rand(1,2) == 1) && ($j % rand(1,2) == 1))
return coloredBall(33);
return "\e[1;32m * ";
function triangle(int $from, int $to)
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
if ($i >= $from && $i <= $to)
// left spacing
for ($j = 10 - $i; $j > 0; $j--)
echo " ";
// left side of the tree
for ($j = 1; $j <= $i; $j++)
echo ball($i, $j);
// right side of the tree
for ($j = 2; $j <= $i; $j++)
echo ball($i, $j);
echo PHP_EOL;
echo "\e[1;32m"; // set text to green
$wish = " Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2022! ";
function textScroll(string $text)
return substr($text, -1) . substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 1);
echo "\e[?25l";
$count = 10;
while (true)
if ($count == 0)
$count = 10;
echo "\e[H";
echo PHP_EOL;
triangle(1, 5);
triangle(3, 7);
triangle(5, 9);
echo "\e[1;32m";
$wish = textScroll($wish);
echo "\e[18;1H";
echo $wish;
Then hit Ctrl+F5, you should see the animated wish:
Merry Christmas and Happy Coding in 2022!