Profile Laravel in Visual Studio Code
How to profile the Laravel application in Visual Studio Code?
Mastering `.env` Files in PHP: Concepts, Tools, and Best Practices
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Blade Language Support in VS Code (part 2)
Our latest update 1.55 introduced several enhancements for Blade files and Laravel, let's take a look!
Automate Code Fixes through Visual Studio Code Auto-Fix Feature
Keep your code clean and have specific code actions applied automatically.
Leveraging .editorconfig for Consistent Code Style Across Different IDEs
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Format Multiple PHP Files with Preview
How to format multiple PHP files at once in Visual Studio Code.
Blade Language Support in VS Code (Part 1)
Blade Language Support in VS Code
IntelliPHP for IntelliJ - EAP
AI full-line completions for PhpStorm (and IntelliJ) if you're interested in enhancing your productivity!
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